

Consolidated vessel & container schedule updates, delivered every 2 hours.

Stop manually searching for container information! With OneStop ComTrac, the container information you need to keep your business moving is delivered directly to your team as it happens. Additionally, updated vessel schedules are sent every two hours so you always have the latest information when you need it.

If you have your own software system, job data can be automatically updated, eliminating manual data entry.

Our industry-leading cargo management tool is used by freight forwarders, transport companies, importers/exporters and 3PLs. We provide information on most major container terminals in Australia including DP World, Patrick, Hutchison, AAT, VICT and QUBE as well as all shipping lines making a port of call at these terminals.


What are the benefits of OneStop ComTrac?

■  Improved visibility and minimisation of risk through software and process optimisation

■  Know what’s happening when – be updated automatically with data delivered directly to your system or email.

■  Rest easy knowing that the information you are receiving is current and relevant.

■  Eliminate the need for manual or laborious tasks with automated vessel schedules, including:

■  Vessel arrival and departure times (both estimated and actual)

■  Import availability and storage start dates

■  Export receival start and cut-off dates

■  Container movement activity.

■  Improve both your internal business functions and your customer experience.

Updates as they happen

Container management is made easy with event alerts automatically updated as they happen.

Data from shipping lines, terminal operators and The Australian Customs Service deliver a competitive advantage for your operation.

■  Import Containers: Know exactly when your container is still on board (an essential tool for the management of transhipment containers), unloaded and available, cleared by customs and gated out of a terminal, and dehired at the container park or depot.

■  Export Containers: See when your PRA has been accepted, the container is gated into the terminal and when it’s been loaded.


Plans and Pricing

Vessel schedules and container statuses delivered to your system.

Prices excludes GST. Prices are charged on a per annum basis.

Register for OneStop ComTrac today:

Register for access

Up to 10,000 alerts and/or notifications per annum


Up to 30,000 alerts and/or notifications per annum
Up to 50,000 alerts and/or notifications per annum
50,000+ alerts and/or notifications per annum
Price on application.


Your questions answered.
OneStop Account Management Forgotten your password?

Did you know you can use the “forgotten password” feature on the login screen to update your password anytime? Click Here to update or change your password.

Container Visibility Can I get a notification for Dehire status?

Yes. The Dehire event status is available for import containers.

General What is the difference between a Notification and an Alert?

A notification is sent from OneStop to you when the requested event occurs.

An alert is sent from OneStop to you when a requested event hasn’t occurred by a certain date and time.

General Will I keep receiving updates about the vessel schedule if there is any change?

The alert system will continue to check the events including after the initial event has triggered upon a certain setup.

Please contact our sales team ( to find out more and to access the technical specifications.

General How much does OneStop ComTrac cost?

The cost of OneStop ComTrac is based on the expected volume of alerts per annum; i.e the number of alerts sent per annum.

Your annual volume will be reviewed on the anniversary of your subscription and the price of renewal for the following year is adjusted to reflect the previous year’s volume.

For further information on pricing, please refer to the pricing tab on the OneStop ComTrac page. To discuss the pricing options available to you, please reach out to our sales team via


Getting Started How do I subscribe for container events or vessel schedule/routing feeds?

Our OneStop ComTrac product will deliver to your system:

■  Vessel schedules

■  Container alerts

Drop us an email at, and we’ll set up a time to walk you through how you can receive the data straight into your software.