

Your Gateway to Efficiency

OneStop Gateway is an online portal that provides users with the ability to submit their Pre-Receival Advice (PRAs), access live vessel schedules, and track containers in real time. It is a comprehensive solution for container terminals, freight forwarders, customs brokers, importers and exporters, intermodals, and more.


Fast & Easy Pre-Receival Advice Submission

You can send unlimited PRAs quickly and efficiently or alternatively, you can use your own software by integrating it with us.

PRAs are a mandatory requirement for all export containers, advising the terminal of container drop-off and providing information including container number, Verified Gross Mass, commodity, and destination.

Vessel Schedules Updated in Real Time

Access integrated information from all shipping lines and major terminals in one convenient location. Speeding up cargo management for both import and export, live updates include:

■  Arrival & Departure of Vessels: Estimated and actual times of arrivals and departures

  Export Receival Start and Cut-off Dates: Streamline container drop-off planning

■  Import Availability & Storage Start Times: Better coordination of container pick-ups.

Automated Container Tracking & Customs Status

Know what’s happening with your container via Australia’s most advanced container tracking service. Up-to-the-minute information from shipping lines and The Australian Customs Service delivers a competitive advantage for your operation.

■  Import Containers: Know exactly when your container is still on board, unloaded, cleared by customs, and gated out of a terminal.

■  Export Containers: See when your PRA has been accepted, container is gated-in to the terminal, and when it has been loaded.


Plans & Pricing

Advanced vessel schedules, unlimited PRAs, and accurate container tracking all in one place.

OneStop Gateway prices are charged on a per annum basis.

All pricing detailed below excludes GST.

Register for OneStop Gateway today

Register for access

Up to 9 users
Up to 14 users
Up to 40 users
Unlimited users
Price on application.


Your questions answered.
OneStop Account Management Forgotten your password?

Did you know you can use the “forgotten password” feature on the login screen to update your password anytime? Click Here to update or change your password.

Container Visibility What information can I see?

The maximum history a user can see is 12 months and limited to viewing only the 5 most recent events. Event types include:

■  Gate In (Container arrives at CTO or Depot)

■  Gate Out (Container leaves CTO or Depot)

■  Load (Confirmed loaded on the vessel)

■  Discharge (Confirmed Discharged from a vessel)

■  On Board Vessel (Shown for imports once a Shipping Line reports the impending arrival notice)

■  Dehire (Container arrives at a Container Park).

NOTE: For users who are container owners; More information than is outlined above will be displayed when searching their own container/s.

General How do I update my users?

In the event that one/some of your employees have left your employment, your company administrator will need to remove the access for these individuals.

If your company has recruited new staff, then these ‘new starters’ can replace the details of the past employee.

To replace employee details:

  1. Login to our website – My OneStop
  2. Click “Users”, and then the “edit” button beside the user you wish to edit.
  3. Update the name and contact details and hit “save”

To add a new user:

  1. Login to our website – My OneStop
  2. Click “Users”, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘add a person’.
  3. Follow the prompts and hit “save”
General How do I update my company details and information?

If you have changed your address, email, or phone number, we need you to update this information.

To update this it is as simple as 2 easy steps:

  1. Log into our website – My OneStop
  2. Click Company information and make the changes.

Once the changes have been made, simply hit update and the information will be automatically saved for you.

General How do I get my invoice for OneStop Gateway?

If your company has chosen to pay the OneStop Gateway subscription fee via direct debit from a credit card or bank account, your invoices are accessible online via Payment Management. You will need to have the relevant access assigned to your user account in order to access it via Payment Management.

To view/ print the invoice, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to OneStop Gateway
  2. Once on the OneStop Gateway Welcome Page, in the menu on the left, click on ‘Payment Management’, this will open up a new page.
  3. If the invoice payment is pending, click on the “View Unpaid Invoices” button on the left. If the invoice amount has already been debited from your nominated bank account or credit card, search by date range by clicking the “Payment History” button.
  4. Once the Invoice details come up, click on the invoice number to view/print it.
General How do I obtain a Direct Debit Request Form (DDR) to complete my registration?

You will be sent via email a direct debit request form (DDR) by our service desk upon completion of your online registration.

Alternatively you may download the DDR form.

Download DDR form

Getting Started What if I need to add more users than what my subscription allows?

Your OneStop Gateway subscription tier will determine how many users you can assign Gateway access to.

To see how many users you’re allowed for the type of subscription you have, please refer to the pricing tab via our OneStop Gateway product page.

Should you wish to upgrade your subscription so you are able to add more users to your account, you will need to email or call 1300 881 055. Any subscription upgrades will be billed Pro Rata to your subscription payment anniversary date.

PRA What is the VGM?

From the 1st of July 2016, the SOLAS amendment requiring mandatory verification of the gross weight of packed containers becomes enforced.

All export containers leaving Australia must have the Verified Gross Weight (known as the Verified Gross Mass or VGM) declared to the terminal representative. And if there is no VGM, the terminal must not load the container.

Read more

PRA How do I Copy or Replace an "ACCEPTED" PRA?

For Replace:

If you have submitted a PRA with incorrect data you do not have to cancel it before resubmitting the correct data in a PRA.

You will need to send the terminal a REPLACEMENT PRA.

Do not cancel a PRA if you intend to deliver this container number to this terminal, instead send a REPLACEMENT PRA to the terminal for the same container.

  1. The “Replace” option can be found in the “PRA History” screen.
  2. Clicking “Replace” will bring up the PRA you have elected to Replace.
  3. Change any data that was previously submitted incorrectly.
  4. Click “Send to Terminal” to send the REPLACEMENT.

NB.: You will need to wait for an “ACCEPTED” response for the REPLACEMENT before attempting to deliver the container to the terminal or attaching the correct container data to your VBS booking.

For Copy:

If you have submitted a PRA with correct data and you have more containers to PRA with similar data you can COPY the first PRA and submit another Container with the same data in a PRA.

  1.  The “Copy” option can be found in the “PRA History” screen.
  2. Clicking “Copy” will bring up the PRA you have elected to Copy.
  3.  Most data fields will be prefilled, enter additional data to complete a PRA as you usually would.
  4.  Click “Send to Terminal” to send the new ORIGINAL PRA.

NB.: You will need to wait for an “ACCEPTED” response for this PRA before attempting to deliver this container to the Terminal or attaching this container data to your VBS booking. The other container/s you have copied from have no connection to this PRA.

Only the most recent PRA submitted with a unique container reference will be recognized by the Terminal and VBS

PRA What do the PRA statuses mean?

There are 5 PRA statuses that indicate where the PRA is at in the process. Refer to the table below for each status, the definition and required action (if any).


DRAFT The PRA has been saved as a draft and has not yet been submitted to the Terminal. The PRA can still be edited by you or your colleague and then send to the Terminal. Once you do send it to the Terminal, the status will no longer show as DRAFT.
PENDING The PRA has been submitted but has not yet been sent to the Terminal. No action is required.

This status is shown as soon as you hit the “Send to Terminal” button after creating a PRA. Our system will start processing your PRA, and the status will show as PENDING. Once the system completes its processing, the status will no longer show as PENDING. Most of the time this happens so fast that you will not see the PRA in this status at all.

SENT The PRA has been submitted and sent to the Terminal. No action is required.

The PRA is now awaiting a response from the Terminal, and once a response is received, the status will no longer show as SENT.

ACCEPTED The PRA has been accepted by the Terminal. The Terminal has received your PRA and all is ok for you to proceed to deliver your container to the Terminal.
REJECTED The PRA has been rejected by the Terminal. The Terminal has received your PRA and the information you’ve provided doesn’t match what they’re expecting. Review the reason for rejection, correct the PRA and resubmit to the Terminal.
PRA What do I need to know if I want to send a PRA through my own software?

Whilst you use your own software, the program must send the PRA message to OneStop electronically.

The PRA message must:

  1. Be as an attachment to the email, in either
  2. The email must not include any text or images in the email body

Contact our sales team ( to access technical specifications with the full instructions.

PRA What happens if the vessel has been cut off?

When a vessel is “cut off”, it means that the Terminal cannot load containers onto it. Each vessel has a “cut off” date and time, and you find this in the Vessel schedule.

If the vessel has been cut off but you still need to submit a PRA, contact your Shipping Line.

All late receival containers must be advised to the Shipping Line and relayed to the Terminal on the “Late Receival List” in order to gain access to the Terminal (and Vessel).

PRA Is a PRA required for empty containers?


PRA What are the costs associated with submitting a PRA?

If you’re submitting the PRA through our website, then there is only the yearly subscription fee for access to the OneStop Gateway website.

There is no transaction cost for submitting a PRA.

If you’re submitting the PRA with a software provider, they may charge you and it’s best you contact the provider.

PRA Can I submit a paper PRA?


The purpose of OneStop’s PRA was to eliminate errors associated with paperwork in regard to the declaration of exports. Consequently, it improved the standard of information for containers arriving at the terminal. Now, all export containers leaving any AAT, Patrick, DPW and Hutchison Ports Terminals must first have a PRA accepted by the Terminal before the container can be delivered.

So, the paper version of the PRA no longer exists for these Terminals. They will only accept electronic PRAs.

PRA What are the OneStop Terminal Codes for the Terminals that accept PRAs?

The Terminals listed in the link below have an EDI relationship with OneStop and can accept PRAs.

If you need to send a PRA to a Terminal that is not listed here, then this means that the terminal does not accept PRAs. Instead, contact that Terminal directly for further advice.


PRA Where can I get a paper copy of the PRA?

The purpose of OneStop’s PRA was to eliminate errors associated with paperwork in regard to the declaration of exports. Consequently, it improved the standard of information for containers arriving at the Terminal. Now, all export containers must first have a PRA accepted by the Terminal before the container can be delivered.

So, the paper version of the PRA no longer exists, and Terminals will only accept electronic PRAs.

PRA What does “A PRA has been submitted for this container in the last 7 days” mean?

When submitting a PRA via our OneStop Gateway, you may receive the above warning.

This is just a warning message to let you know that a PRA has been submitted by you or someone in your organisation in the last 7 days.

You can continue sending your PRA by clicking the button “Ignore Warnings and send to Terminal”.

PRA How do I submit a PRA?

A PRA can be submitted in three different ways.

1. OneStop’s website.

Subscribe to our OneStop Gateway product and:

  1. Launch OneStop Gateway
  2. Go to PRA -> Create
  3. Complete the web form and then click “Send to Terminal”

2. Use your own software.

You can purchase your own software to submit PRAs. You’ll need to work with your IT team if you need help.

3. User another software provider (such as Cargowise EDI, TradeGate, OzDocs, K-Line, or BSM Global).

Contact those companies for advice on how to submit a PRA.

Once you’ve sent your PRA, it will be processed by the Terminal, and they’ll send back an ACCEPTED or REJECTED message.

Only once the PRA is ACCEPTED will the container data be available in the VBS to attach to a booking.

PRA How do I cancel a PRA?

If you have submitted a PRA with a container number you do not intend to deliver to that Terminal you will need to send the Terminal a CANCELLATION PRA.

The process for cancelling your PRA will depend on how you submitted it. You’ll need to follow one of the three ways below.

1. OneStop Gateway customers, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to the PRA page and you will see the history and status of each of your PRAs.
  2. Tick the checkbox of the PRA you wish to cancel.
  3. Click on the cancel link next to your PRA. You haven’t cancelled it just yet. This will just bring up the PRA information. Click “Yes” in the warning message to confirm that you wish to submit a cancellation to the Terminal.

2. Through your own software:

If you use your own software will need to contact your own IT support or vendor for advice on how to cancel a PRA.

3. Through another provider:

If you use another provider (such as Cargowise EDI, TradeGate, OzDocs, K-Line), you will need to contact them for advice on how to cancel a PRA.

Note: Once you’ve sent a cancellation PRA, wait for an “ACCEPTED” response for the CANCELLATION before submitting a new PRA.

Only the most recent PRA submitted with a unique container reference will be recognized by the Terminal and VBS

PRA What is the status of my PRA?

Depending on how you submitted your PRA, you’ll need to use one of three ways to find out the status of your PRA, as follows:

  1. OneStop Gateway customers: navigate to the PRA page and you will see the status.
  2. Customers who use their own software: your software should display the status but if you need assistance you’ll need to email the OneStop help desk: or call on 1300 881 055.
  3. Customers of other software providers (such as Cargowise EDI, TradeGate, OzDocs, K-Line): your software should display the status but if you need assistance you’ll need to contact your provider.
Schedule Visibility Why does the Vessel Schedule information differ to that given to me by the Shipping Line?

The OneStop vessel schedule provides accurate vessel information for all of the Patrick, DP World, VICT and AAT operated Terminals around Australia.

The information is delivered to OneStop electronically from the Terminals, who in turn receive their information from the shipping lines.

If the information you have from the shipping line doesn’t match the OneStop vessel schedules, it is most likely that the Shipping Line needs to either update the information given to you or the Terminal.