These Terms and Conditions apply to the following Terminals on this link:
The following are the Terms of Conditions under which 1-Stop Connections Pty Ltd (ABN: 58 102 573 544) (“OneStop”) will accept electronic transmission of export Pre-Receival Advices (PRAs) for transmission to the port terminals listed above (the “terminals”).
These terms apply to PRAs transmitted either by electronic data interchange (EDI) or by use of the PRA forms provided through the OneStop website service. Parties wishing to transmit PRAs to OneStop (by any means) will be required either:
■ to register on-line at the OneStop website, and to confirm their acceptance of these terms at that time or
■ in the case of parties transmitting via EDI, to accept and acknowledge these terms and conditions upon receipt thereof and/or registration with OneStop as an EDI user, and thereafter be bound by and act in accordance with such terms and conditions.
Parties seeking to utilise the OneStop PRA forms service should also read the separate OneStop General Terms and Conditions on the OneStop website which apply to all parties accessing and/or using the OneStop website.
1. Introduction
■ OneStop is able to receive electronic transmissions of export PRAs and will facilitate the transmission of PRAs by those parties choosing to submit PRAs to OneStop whether via the OneStop website, via EDI or otherwise (such parties, together with their respective associated bodies corporate, all their employees, agents and representatives and those of their associated bodies corporate being hereinafter, “you”).
■ OneStop allows you to transmit PRAs either by direct EDI or by the use of forms on the OneStop website.
■ PRA is an essential working document used by terminals and shipping lines to plan the loading of ships, it is important that you comply with the Terms & Conditions published below and as amended from time to time (“Terms”).
2. Your Obligations
■ You agree to transmit all data items in the PRA that are required by OneStop, in a standard form defined by OneStop from time to time and warrant that this data will be true and correct in all respects.
■ You agree that, where a PRA has been submitted, by you, to OneStop, you will not send any other PRA to any of the terminals by paper, fax, or any other media, in respect of the same cargo, unless specifically requested to do so by the terminal in question.
■ Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, you undertake, represent, and agree that:
(a) The gross weight declared in all PRAs you submit to OneStop in respect of containerised cargo shall be the correct sum of gross cargo weight and the tare weight of the container;
(b) Where you submit a PRA in respect of chilled or refrigerated cargo, you shall declare the correct temperature setting at which the cargo is to be maintained during transport, and you further accept that OneStop shall not be liable for any damage to the cargo which may arise as a result of that or any information proving to be incorrect or incomplete;
(c) Where you submit a PRA in respect hazardous cargo, as defined according to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (“IMDG”), you shall declare the correct hazardous class for the cargo in question and shall accept all liability for any damage to equipment or injury to personnel of OneStop or 3rd Parties including Terminals which may arise as a result of that or any information proving to be incorrect or incomplete.
(d) Where you submit a PRA for cargo that extends beyond the dimensions of the container or other loading device you will declare the correct measurements of any overhang or excess measurement.
■ In respect of all PRAs submitted via EDI, you undertake and agree to ensure that such PRAs will not comprise or include any additional or unnecessary content or material including, without limitation, email viruses or other code, which may cause damage to OneStop or the terminal systems and will not be submitted with any malicious purpose or intent.
3. Means of Transmission
■ OneStop will make available the facility to receive electronic PRAs on the basis that they will be transmitted as text attachments to Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail sent via an Internet Service Provider (ISP). If you choose to transmit PRAs using another protocol, you agree to bear the costs of conversion into the protocol required by OneStop.
4. Suspension or Termination of Registration
(a) OneStop reserves the right to suspend or terminate your registration, subject to Clause 9 (b) below, if any one of the following events takes place:
(i) You send a PRA for a container that is not in fact dispatched to the wharf, and the terminal in question is not subsequently advised that the PRA should be deleted;
(ii) You send duplicate PRA’s for the same container and the terminal in question is not subsequently advised that one container record should be deleted;
(iii) You send a PRA for a “fictitious” container, or for any frivolous or malicious purpose;
(iv) You send a PRA containing or attached to email viruses or other code which may cause damage to OneStop or the Terminals systems; or
(v) OneStop is instructed in writing by any terminal or shipping line/s to suspend or terminate your registration.
(b) Suspension or Termination can only proceed if OneStop has first complied with the following:
(i) OneStop notifies you three (3) times in writing that you have breached any condition listed in above clause 9 (a). In the case of a “Bureau” the breach must be for the same PRA originator;
(ii) After each separate offence OneStop offers training in how to send a PRA that does not breach any condition listed in above clause 9 (a);
(iii) After the shipping line listed on the PRA has been notified that you have breached any condition listed in above clause 9 (a); or
(iv) After direction from the stevedore or the shipping line/s to suspend or terminate your registration.
■ In the event that OneStop or the stevedore or the shipping line/s determines that your registration should be suspended or terminated you will be advised by email.
■ OneStop will not accept any liability for any loss or damage that may arise due to suspension or termination of your registration.