Meet John, our European Business Development Consultant

John Kornjaca has 11 years’ experience having worked at Hutchison Ports UK in a senior commercial role. Throughout his time with Hutchison, John was able to significantly contribute to the businesses at the semi-automated container terminal of London Thamesport and Britain’s largest container terminal the ‘Port of Felixstowe’.
John has also worked with the UK’s largest rail-freight operator and has worked with Peel Ports (at the Port of Sheerness and Great Yarmouth Port) gaining operational experience.
In common with 1-Stop Connections, John recognizes and understands some of the challenges that the industry faces:
- Over the last fifteen years, the supply chain has become increasingly focused on improving service levels and driving out wastage and eliminating unnecessary cost.
- The competitive landscape that exists in the UK and Europe will not allow terminal operators or shipping lines to stand still. Continuous improvement in service levels has to be matched with increased efficiency and cost-cutting. Ultimately all stakeholders are seeking a ‘more for less’ proposition.
- Technology uptake in ports has not kept pace with economic growth and the growth in container vessel sizes resulting in costly and unnecessary delays within the supply chain.
- Ultra-large container vessels that discharge thousands of import containers at terminals may lead to congestion at the terminal gate. Congestion at ports remains an issue & is compounded (in the UK) by a shortage of drivers begging the question: why allow this depleted & vital resource to sit idle at container terminals?
John will assist 1-Stop developing its global reach and thus contribute to an improvement in efficiency across the ports landscape. An effective Terminal Operating System (TOS) accompanied by a Vehicle Booking System (VBS) is an imperative for any Terminal Operating Company (TOC).
A VBS solution, such as the highly configurable system developed by 1-Stop Connections, greatly enhances efficiency at the terminal for the benefit of the TOC, the haulier and the consignee. Since port operators across the globe have been asked to pare back their charges to their customers, an implementation of the 1-Stop VBS solution may also provide a much-needed additional revenue stream for the TOC.
The 1-Stop VBS is active in 31 facilities in 4 countries; it is not only a booking system, but a terminal capacity management system. The 1-Stop VBS solution is designed to integrate seamlessly into the active TOS to provide greater efficiency and cost savings.
The 1-Stop VBS allows terminal operators to free up much needed terminal capacity by simply matching expensive resource with variable landside demand by adjusting the highly configurable business rules written in to the solution. This allows hauliers to book a time slot at the terminal and be serviced without sitting idle in queues of vehicles, thus ‘keeping the wheels turning’.
In Australia, the 1-Stop VBS has helped ports reduce average truck turnaround times from 91 minutes to an impressive 15 minutes. In Manila the 1-Stop VBS (known as TABS) has contributed to;
- Increased terminal resource utilisation by 47%
- A five-fold 500% increase in truck utilisation
- Remarkable 50% reduction in container dwell times.
If you are interested to know more about the 1-Stop VBS please contact John in the UK: or telephone (0)7403 722255