May 30th, 2022: 1-Stop CEO Sam Askin is participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout supporting Australians in need
On Thursday, 23 June 2022, our CEO Sam Askin will participate in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to help raise vital funds for the St Vincent De Paul Society. The Vinnies sleepout also raises awareness to support Australians experiencing homelessness, and for those at risk of finding themselves without a safe place, they can call home.
Business, government and community leaders across Australia will partake in the Vinnies one-night sleepout, with the hope to empower and help more Australians get off the cold streets and into stable accommodation.
Did you know that more than 116,000 Australians don’t have a safe place they can call home right now?
Homelessness can affect anyone – Women, Men and Children, with no single cause. It is time to break the cycle of homelessness!
Everyone deserves a safe place to sleep. Show your support for Australians in need by placing a donation today at
Did you know that a $55 donation could help feed a family for a day?
Donations of any size are welcomed and will make a big difference in helping break the cycle of homelessness.