News — June 22, 2020

1-Stop’s VBS will be going live at ICS on Monday 29th June 2020

1-Stop Connections (1-Stop) is pleased to announce Intermodal Group (IMG) will begin using 1-Stop’s Vehicle Booking System (VBS) to manage the flow of trucks in and out of their Intermodal Container Services (ICS) facility.

The VBS will go live on Monday 29th June to manage the operations at ICS, which will result in efficiencies for customers accessing the facilities.

The VBS will enable IMG to efficiently plan and manage the flow of trucks entering the facility, allowing for accurate collection times and enhanced operational and administrative efficiency.

With this new partnership, 1-Stop share the vision that it does not matter on the size or location of the facility, the VBS is adaptable for any situation. By partnering with IMG for this new domestic implementation of the VBS, 1-Stop reaffirms its position as an industry leader in optimising the whole supply chain with state-of-the-art VBS technology for terminals and intermodal facilities.

Carriers and Transport Operators are not required to register for the site, 1-Stop will automatically grant access to all carriers prior to slots being released.

IMG will continue to be operational from 6 am – 10 pm daily. Timeslots will open from 9 am on 26th June, where carriers will be able to book for Monday 29th June. From there, slots will be available 48 hours in advance.

The booking process through the VBS will be the same as other 1-Stop facilities in Fremantle, however, 1-Stop will be offering a webinar to run through the process and answer any questions carriers may have. The webinar will be held on Thursday 25th June at 1 pm (WST) and you can register via this link.

1-Stop will be raising payment invoices on behalf of IMG, for the month prior. Due to the current climate invoices are to be paid through ComPay or via EFT within 21 days (please note: 1-Stop’s usual credit terms are 14 days). To access invoices and understand the payment process please view our user guides below.

The VBS User Guide can be found here.

The invoice process can be found here. 

If you have any registration or VBS questions, please contact Alicia Mingare at

1-Stop look forward to bringing further efficiencies to Fremantle.