1-Stop Connections: Highly Commended – Gender Diversity

Pictured above: CEO Michael Bouari, HR Manager Lauren Ratcliffe and Marketing Manager Alicia Mingare
Highly Commended! We are honored to accept the Highly Commended Award for Gender Diversity at the DCN Australian Shipping & Maritime Industry Awards.
Women equate for only 2% in the Maritime and Logistics industry.
1-Stop Connections is proud of our high percentage of 31% of women across the whole business, including management and leadership roles.
The leadership team actively encourage gender diversity, this culture is integrated throughout the business, it is due to the many great male employees who support their female colleagues that this culture thrives.
When women support women great things can happen, when men and women support each other fantastic things can occur.
Congratulations to all the winners: http://www.thedcn.com.au/2018-dcn-awards/